Page 3 - Turkinsurance Digital Magazine
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Dear Readers,

        For the September issue of Turkinsurance, we have prepared  Number  of  participants  in  the  Individual  Pension  System
        an issue full of news, articles, analyses and researches to shed  (BES) has exceeded 6.9 million as of August 2018. Accord-
        light on Turkish insurance and pension markets.       ing to 2016 statistics, average age of participants in the sys-
                                                              tem  increased  up  to  39.4  and  weighted  average  age  based
        Getting rapidly integrated into the speed of the digital world  on total fund size increased to 45.5. The number of males
        via  blockchain  technology,  customized  insurance  products,  is higher than females, and majority of the participants are
        robotics and artificial intelligence; insurance market is now  self-employed, housewives and workers. 28.1 percent of par-
        facing the wave of startups. Startups will carry the companies  ticipants reside in İstanbul.
        that can catch their wave into the future, not only with their
        products but also through social media, their way of analysis  This  month’s  Interview  section  hosts  Mehmet  Akif  Eroğlu,
        and  new  inventions.  Companies  failing  to  keep  up  with  the  Secretary  General  of  the  Insurance  Association  of  Turkey
        digital developments and startups will be fiercely challenged  (TSB). This month, our Country Profile section covers Po-
        in terms of sustainable profitability.                land. You can have a general idea Poland’s general econom-
                                                              ic condition its progress and insurance rates by reading this
        At  the  end  of  the  second  quarter  of  2018,  total  premiums  report.
        of  Turkish  insurance  market  has  reached  6  billion  92  mil-
        lion USD. Liability insurance line continues to get the highest  Hope to meet with the next issue
        share in premium production with 30.4 percent, also owning
        the highest growth rate in the market.                Your sincerely
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