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        Quick Sigorta reaches 1 million policies before reaching its 1st anniversary

        Quick Sigorta began to issue insurance policies as of 12 May  ject called “Jump Free from Theory
        2017, and reached 1 million policies in 9 months. Having gone  to Practice” in coordination with the
        through an agency structuring during this timeframe, the com-  Insurance  departments  of  universi-
        pany has opened 1200 agencies. Levent Uluçeçen, CEO of Quick  ties. In addition, sponsorships were
        Sigorta, stated that the number 1 million bore a symbolic sig-  provided  for  motorcyclists,  several
        nificance and said: “We have reached this figure thanks to our  meetings and events were organized
        digital business model and a team of 30 people. Acting rapidly  in insuretech field. The company has
        with expert business partners, this structure has achieved a chal-  reached 2.5 million interactions on
        lenging task. The number of 1 million policies bears a symbolic  social media, and a received a great
        significance. We have reached this result in such a short period  deal  of  attention  from  consumers
        thanks to a strong and capable team. We have higher targets for  with its constantly renewed advertis-
        the coming years.” During the timeframe of issuing 1 million  ing and promotion activities.
        policies, the company also carried out a social responsibility pro-

        MetLife maintained its stable growth in               by 29 percent and reaching 1.5 billion TL fund size with 189
                                                              thousand participants. Within the scope of “Automatic Par-
        2017                                                  ticipation” system initiated in 2017, the company provided
                                                              services  for  over  500  companies  and  brought  67  thousand
                                Stepping  into  a  new  era  with  participants in the system.
                                its  renewed  corporate  strate-
                                gy,  MetLife  continues  its  stable  Deniz Yurtseven, General Manager of MetLife Emeklilik ve
                                growth in Turkey by adding new  Hayat,  underlined  that  2017  results  were  pleasing  for  the
                                ones to its list of achievements.  company,  stating  that  MetLife  continued  growing,  develop-
                                According  to  2017  year-end  ing and strengthening its position in the market. He added:
                                results,  MetLife  grew  over  the  “When  we  set  off  in  2012,  our  target  was  to  become  one
                                market  averages  in  life  and  in-  of the top five companies in the insurance market. MetLife
                                dividual  accident  lines.  Market  Emeklilik ve Hayat has achieved this target by ranking fifth
                                share in those lines grew by 36  in 2015, third in 2016 and second in 2017.”
                                percent, while the company grew
                                by 58 percent over the same pe-  Sharing  details  of  MetLife’s  strategy  that  was  renewed  in
                                riod of previous year, with a pre-  2017 to focus on customer insight, Deniz Yurtseven said: “As
                                mium production of 756 million  MetLife, we act with the strength driven from our new strate-
                                TL  and  a  market  share  of  10  gy in all our processes ranging from our corporate identity to
                                percent.                      our business manners. Together with the environment of trust
                                                              in  the  economy,  we  have  been  maintaining  our  sustainable
        Considering the life segment, overall market growth stood at  growth and increasing our contribution to Turkish economy
        36 percent; while MetLife’s growth outpaced the market with  with each passing day. We have displayed a successful growth
        65 percent with a premium volume of 577 million TL. The  performance in life, personal accident and individual pension
        company showed a similarly successful performance in Indi-  branches;  supported  by  the  significant  contributions  by  our
        vidual Accident Branch; producing 179 million TL in under-  bank  distribution  channels,  particularly  our  main  channel
        written premiums with a growth of 41 percent compared to  DenizBank, our telemarketing team and our agents. I would
        the humble 17 percent of market average.              like to emphasize that our corporate products based on em-
                                                              ployee benefits attracted a great deal of attention from our
        29 percent of growth in pension fund size with 189    customers and that we have included strong corporate cus-
        thousand participants                                 tomers  in  our  portfolio  last  year.  As  MetLife  Emeklilik  ve
                                                              Hayat, we also began to use the opportunities offered by the
        MetLife continues to make movements that make its compet-  digital world as much as possible. We aim to simplify the ac-
        itive advantage sustainable in all its activity areas. Individual   cess of our customers to our products and services, and offer
        Pension System reached a fund size of 78 billion TL as of   them a buying experience in which they can process many of
        December 2017, including state subsidy funds; while MetLife   their transactions themselves. With this perspective, we will
        Turkey grew over the market rate, increasing its funds size   keep up our innovative works in accordance with the require-
                                                              ments of our customers in 2018.”
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