Türk Nippon insures your health until the age of 80


Dr. E. Baturalp Pamukçu, General Manager of Türk Nippon Sigorta, stated they brought a breath of fresh air in Turkish insurance market with their complementary health insurance product ‘Sağlığınız Bizde’. He said: “This product provides coverage for the differences they will need to pay in exchange for medical services they will receive in case of sickness and/or accidents. Depending on the general and special policy conditions, the policy is valid only in private medical institutions that are contracted with the Social Security Institution (SGK).” Pamukçu said that their customers can also use their policies in private hospitals contracted with Turk Nippon Sigorta and get treated without having to pay a difference.


Pamukçu added that the product has two types of coverage including ‘only inpatient’ and ‘inpatient and outpatient’ options: “In accordance with the special and general policy conditions, inpatient treatments are covered 100 percent. Outpatient treatments cover 8 medical examinations a year, and include other types of related coverage.”


‘SSI registration suffices’


Stating that ‘Sağlığınız Bizde’ product differs from its peers in the market with a distinctive feature, Pamukçu said: “This product can provide policy coverage for everyone registered in Social Security Institution in every age range up to 80. Individuals who are included in SSI coverage to benefit from SSI health services can buy this insurance policy. Another difference is that the policy also covers the treatment costs of medical problems that occurred prior to the initiation of the policy. Apart from the waiting periods applied by the Social Security Institution, waiting period of all treatment costs for inpatient treatments is 3 months.”


Training support for agents


Türk Nippon Sigorta continues to educate their agents about “Sağlığınız Bizde” product. In line of these efforts, the company has recently organized a breakfast event in March at Medical Park Göztepe Hospital Complex. Within the scope this event, company staff gathered with its agents to give a training on “Sağlığınız Bizde” insurance product which was developed in cooperation with Medical Park.



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