Page 13 - Turkinsurance Digital Magazine
P. 13


      2015                                                      2017                                2019
      Natural catastrophes                                  Macro-economy                         Technology
      Macro-economy                                          Political risk                      Climate change
      Risk management                                         Regulation                       Change management
      Quality of management                                Change management                     Macro-economy
      Long-term commitments/debts                         Quality of management               Investment performance
      Change management                                       Technology                          Political risk
      Regulation                                            Risk management                       Regulation
      Political risk                                       Business practices                  Corporate governance
      Cyber risk                                           Capital availability                    Cyber risk
      Terrorism                                            Guaranteed products                     Credit risk
     Respondents from Turkey share the global concern for challeng-  edness of insurance institutions to handle the risks they saw. On
     es  brought  by  the  technological  changes  such  as  new  business  a scale of 1 (poorly) to 5 (well), they gave an average response
     models, adaptation and data security. Considering that technol-  of  3.11,  an  uptick  from  the  2017  survey’s  3.02.  Respondents
     ogy has increased from the 6th position in 2017 to number 1  from Turkey rated the preparedness of insurance institutions in
     in 2019, those concerns are seen to be well-founded. Quality of  Turkey as 3.35, which is higher than the global average. In other
     the management and corporate governance are the first items to  words, respondents from Turkey believe that Turkish insurance
     come to mind when dealing with technological risks; and corpo-  market is more prepared to face the risks compared to the global
     rate governance is the 8th highest ranking risk for respondents  respondents.
     from Turkey. On the global scale, corporate governance ranks
                                                               Significant differences between the global risk ranking and
     Turkey is also observed to deviate from the global rankings con-  risk ranking by Turkish respondents (Risks that are higher
     sidering  the  credit  risk,  climate  change  and  macro-economy.   or lower in Turkey’s ranking compared to the global rank-
     Though credit risk ranks 17th in the global ranking, according   ing)
     to the respondents from Turkey, it is the 10th highest risk.
                                                               • Corporate governance (+11)
     Climate change, which ranks number 6 in the global list, is the   • Credit risk (+7)
     2nd most important risks according to the market representa-  • Macro-economy (+5)
     tives from Turkey. Macro-economy, which is the 9th most impor-  • Political risk (+5)
     tant risk on the global scale; is considerably higher for Turkey   • Climate change (+5)
     at the 4th rank.                                          • Competition (-6)
                                                               • Cyber risk (-7)
     Another important issue the report focuses on is the prepared-  • Human talent (-8)
     ness. The respondents of the survey were asked to rate the prepar-

                            Segments in which the companies of respondents
                                             from Turkey operate

                                           15%                     Non-life


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