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     economic losses and 80 million job losses worldwide by 2030, if  tion around the world and humanity's insistence on destroying its
     there is a global temperature rise of 1.5 degrees.       natural habitats. Haegeli says that the insurance industry must
                                                              dynamically monitor the effects of a climate that warms much
     Jerome-Jean  Haegeli,  Swiss  Re  Group  Chief  Economist,  also  more than before, adapt its existing data to an ever-evolving risk
     noted that economic losses due to climate risks will be the main  environment, and constantly include new data in risk assessment.
     problem of the insurance sector in the future. Recent data show
     that some of the catastrophic damage is due to economic growth  Actuaries must produce new findings to support companies'
     and urbanization, while some is due to climate change. The last   risk management
     decade has been recorded as the highest period of average tem-
     peratures in the history of the world. The total damage caused   Robert Erhardt, professor of Statistics at Wake Forest Universi-
     by the human-caused disaster amounted to $146 billion, and the   ty, emphasizes that actuaries should not only determine the mag-
     insurance industry has taken on $60 billion of this damage. Ac-  nitude  of  climate-related  risks,  but  also  produce  findings  that
     cording to Haegeli, the main cause of these damages is urbaniza-  will support companies to actively manage these risks.
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