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6 cover story

     The Netherlands is most prepared for autonomous ve-

     The index is prepared based on the criteria that will instigate
     the autonomous vehicle era: ‘policy and legislation’, ‘technolo-
     gy and innovation’, ‘infrastructure’, and ‘consumer acceptance’.
     According to the index, top five countries in the ranking are the
     Netherlands,  Singapore,  USA,  Sweden  and  United  Kingdom.
     Germany  ranks  6th.  Japan  is  11th  in  terms  of  preparedness;
     while United Arab Emirates managed to rank in top ten as the
     8th country. The index consists of 20 countries, and the bottom
     three countries are Russia, Mexico and India.

     The Netherlands provides an AV readiness model for other coun-
     tries to follow, with its well-maintained road network, highest
     density  of  electrical  vehicle  charging  points,  and  high-quality
     wireless networks. Singapore lost to the Netherlands with just
     a little difference, but tops two pillars of this index: policy and   Japan, China and India are listed at the bottom of the
     legislation and consumer acceptance. An amendment in 2017 to   index
     its Road Traffic Act allowing self-driving vehicles to be tested
     on public roads made the country leader in the regulation side.   Technology giant Japan cannot enter in the top 10 due to its ‘tra-
     Singapore’s high-quality roads and wireless connection networks   ditional’ structure. China, world’s second largest economy, ranks
     play to its advantage. However, deficiency of electrical charging   at the bottom 4th of the index. India is at the end of the list, due
     stations take Singapore’s infrastructural score lower. Ranking   to the deficiency of its road quality and infrastructure, unwilling-
     third in the index, USA has a unique position in terms of auton-  ness of its drivers, and the effective ban on autonomous vehicles.
     omous vehicle technology.
                                                              World’s leading countries in technology, industry and automo-
     The country has by far the greatest number of AV companies,   tive, continue to make significant amounts of investment in au-
     with  163  headquarters.  Sweden,  which  has  housed  one  of  the   tonomous vehicles. These rapid developments indicate that AV
     world-famous automotive brands, has the highest number of AV   (autonomous vehicle) technologies will reshape many sectors in
     company headquarters by head of population. Sweden hosts su-  the future. Especially insurance sector, which is in close relations
     pervised autonomous driving trials since 2017.
                                                              with the automotive industry, is estimated to be deeply impacted
                                                              by the AV technology and might go through a renovation.

                                                              AV technology may indirectly decrease insurance pre-

                                                              Ernst  &  Young,  international  audit  and  consultancy  company,
                                                              has researched the impacts of AV technology on the insurance
                                                              market.  According  to  their  report,  a  new  technology  will  be
                                                              launched in 2020 that will help prevent traffic accidents. More-
                                                              over, technological advancements in the automotive sector are
                                                              expected to decrease insurance premiums and lengthen vehicle
                                                              guarantee periods.
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