Page 13 - Turkinsurance Digital Magazine
P. 13


        Allianz and Allianz Motto Music invite young people to the safe world of BES with
        the song Pes Değil, BES! (Don’t Give Up, just BES)

                                       Pes Değil, BES!“ which  Onur Kırcı, Deputy General Manager of Marketing and Digital
                                       is the 3rd track of Allianz  Insurances of Allianz Türkiye, stated that Understanding Gen-
                                       Turkey’s  album”Yanın-  eration Z and connecting with them are among their corporate
                                       da“,  released  with  Alli-  priorities and said: “Raising insurance awareness among young
                                       anz  Motto  music  in  or-  people is one of our priorities. In this direction, we reach our
                                       der to tell young people  young people through the power of music. We added our You-
                                       about insurance in a fun  Tuber and publisher identity, our music and clip producer iden-
                                       language,  is  broadcast  tity with the album “Yanında”, which we created to bring the
                                       on Apple Music and Spo-  concepts of “insurance” and “youth” together with the digital
                                       tify. The clip of the song,  world. The intense interest in the first two tracks of our album,
                                       which aims to introduce  which received access to 50 million, made us very happy. We
                                       young people to the Pri-  introduce the 3th song of the album consisting of 4 pieces with
                                       vate  Pension  System,  a  our young people. In the song ”Pes Değil, BES!” we witness the
                                       safe  investment  vehicle,  acquaintance of our young man in search of a safe investment
                                       can be viewed on the so-  vehicle with the Private Pension System. With the first released
                                       cial media accounts of  song of the album, “Yuvam”, we presented sections from the life
                                       Allianz  Turkey,  Allianz  of a young man whose boiler broke down, his computer malfunc-
       Motto Music and Allianz Career. Co-produced by Allianz Turkey  tioned because of a power outage, he was worried about his home
       and Allianz Motto music, the 3rd track of the album “Yanında”  and his pet when he was going on vacation. In the second song
       is “Pes Değil, BES!” is broadcasted. The 3rd track of the album  “Fiyakalı ve Güvenli”, we drew attention to the importance of a
       was arranged in Arabesque style, in which 4 different insurance  safe driving experience in traffic, which will be intensified with
       and retirement products were described using 4 different musi-  the holiday. We will continue to tell our young people about the
       cal genres under the slogan ’Allianz next to you, music in your  benefits that our products can provide with notes that they will
       life’. The song, which tells the arabesque story of a teenager who  enjoy listening to.”
       cannot make the profits he wants from his savings and his in-
       troduction to the private pension system in search of a reliable  To watch the “Pes Değil, BES!” clip:
       investment, gives the message ‘Let my money grow without stop-  watch?v=Q429W-QpTQU
       ping with BES’.

       2 Awards From Brandon Hall To Aksigorta

       Aksigorta, who continues to win awards with its projects imple-  the agile working cul-
       mented with a new generation insurance understanding, won two  ture.  The  most  impor-
       different awards at the Brandon Awards Excellence in Human  tant component of this
       Capital Management Awards with its employee feedback applica-  culture  is  feedback.  To
       tion ‘Nabız’ (Pulse) and its Sales Performance Program ‘Acente  improve,  facilitate  and
       Gelişim  Programı’  (Agent  Development  Program).  Aksigorta,  disseminate  feedback
       which is a Sabancı Holding and Ageas subsidiary, continue to de-  at all levels, we develop
       velop projects that will increase employee performance and satis-  and offer our employees
       faction to the highest levels. In Brandon Awards Excellence in Hu-  many tools, from train-
       man Capital Management Awards, Aksigorta, which was awarded  ing programs to mobile
       for its projects, won the first gold medal with the instant feedback  applications that enable
       application “Nabız” in the category of “most unique or innovative  instant  feedback.    We
       talent management” in the talent management program and won  strive to be the compa-
       the Silver Award with the “Agency Development Program” in the  ny that develops talent,
       “Best Sales Training Program for expanded Enterprises” catego-  keeps it and is the pre-
       ry in the Sales Performance Program.                  ferred  company.  We
                                                             are very happy that our
       Ayşegül Gürkale, Deputy General Manager of Aksigorta, stated  projects that develop our employees and agents are crowned with
       that they are pleased to be awarded the award by Brandon Hall  awards.”
       and said: “As Aksigorta, which wants to make the insurance expe-
       rience easy, lean and accessible by using data and technology, we  In Brandon Awards Excellence in Human Capital Management
       believe in the potential of our employees, which is our most valua-  Awards organized by Brandon Hall, a research and analysis firm
       ble asset.” To develop this potential and ensure that they are pre-  that has been providing excellence-oriented solutions worldwide
       pared for the future of the business, we design special development  for more than 20 years with more than 10,000 customers, pro-
       programs for our employees and agents. Providing the best and  jects from corporate education, learning, talent development, HR
       fastest service in the new agile world is primarily through adopting  or other relevant departments are evaluated.
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