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     • Derivatives. It is worth mentioning that cost and usefulness are  Group, said: “I see extreme risks thinking as an exercise for the
     often in opposition. The cost of derivatives protection can often  mind. They remind us that it is naive and dangerous to cling to
     be reduced by specifying more precise conditions – but the more  a single vision about the future. Yes, we do not know what the
     precise the conditions, the greater the chance that they are not  future holds. But our brains are more than capable of imagining
     exactly met and hence the ‘insurance’ does not pay out.  multiple versions of the future. As investors, we are trying to
                                                             navigate  a  highly  volatile,  uncertain,  complex  and  ambiguous
     •  Hold  a  negatively-correlated  asset.  There  is  no  single  asset  world. The scenarios are most effective when they are used, in
     that will work against all possible bad outcomes. Further, there  a deliberately-created interactive environment, to make explicit
     is no guarantee that the expected performance of the hedge asset  - and to challenge - assumptions that underpin your investment
     will actually transpire in the future event.            portfolios or your business strategy.”
     Liang Yin, Senior Investment Consultant at the Thinking Ahead  Reference:

                                2019 extreme risks ranking and descriptions

      Rank   Risk                      Description

      1      Global temperature change  Earth’s climate tips into a less-habitable state (hot or cold)

      2      Global trade collapse     A worldwide protectionist backlash against cross-border trade

      3      Cyber warfare             Internet being weaponised that causes severe damage to virtual systems vital to the econo-
                                       my and even to hard infrastructure
      4      Resource scarcity*        A major shortfall in the supply of food/water/energy

      5      Currency crisis           Extreme movement between exchange rates

      6      Depression                A deep trough in economic output with massive increase in unemployment

      7      Infrastructure failure    An interruption of a major infrastructure network

      8      Banking crisis            Banking activity halts due to lack of liquidity

      9      Sovereign default         Non-payment by a major sovereign borrower

      10     Stagnation                A prolonged period of little or no economic growth

      11     Biodiversity collapse     A collapse in biodiversity, in which an accelerating number of species decline to extinction
      12     Health progress backfire  Massive rise in morbidity or mental ill-health, antibiotic resistance

      13     Nuclear contamination     A major nuclear disaster, leading to large radioactivity release and lethal effects

      14     Abandonment of fiat money  A complete collapse in trust on governments and governments-backed paper currency

      15     Extreme longevity         Significant increase in life expectancy overwhelms support systems

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