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P. 13


      We are with our business partners with

      effective reinsurance solutions

     Fikret Utku Özdemir, the General Manager of Milli Reasürans, said, “This year,
     as Milli Reasürans celebrates its 94th anniversary, we are taking the necessary
     measures to increase our financial strength to ensure that we can continue our
     pioneering role in the coming years while maintaining our current strength.”

     Milli Reasürans is celebrating its 94th year. How would you de-  be prepared for any circumstance by closely understanding national
     scribe being a reinsurance company with such a deep history?  and international market dynamics. In the light of the experiences
     What does experience mean for Milli Reasürans?           accumulated over 94 years, just as today, we aim to pass on our
                                                              global brand created through our activities to the future in both
     After the end of the compulsory reinsurance system in our country,  national and international markets.
     our company has implemented structural changes in line with cur-
     rent market conditions and continues to meet the reinsurance needs  What are the differences that make you stand out and strength-
     of our industry. Additionally, we maintain our position as a quali-  en you in the light of your experiences?
     fied, reputable, and trustworthy reinsurer on a global scale through
     our strategy of expanding into international markets. Furthermore,  The experience we gain from our deep-rooted history allows us to
     as a Republic institution, we contribute to gender equality and devel-  analyze our country's risks in the best possible way and structure our
     opments in the fields of culture, art, and sports through the projects  financial strength accordingly. We believe that we fulfill our mission
     we undertake.                                            effectively under any circumstances.

         “Our new working environment has                     As we move towards the future along a century-old path, we possess
                                                              not only technical knowledge but also all the necessary structur-
       been designed as a space where we can                  al competencies. In order to adapt to changing conditions, we are
                                                              conducting significant work in automating our business processes.
     maximize the use of technology, facilitate  We believe that the confidence derived from our company's strength
       the changes we envision in our working                 and long-standing history, its respected position in the insurance and
                                                              reinsurance markets, its ability to increasingly translate its potential
     methods more easily, and transform into a  into performance, and the synergy it creates with its business part-
                    large agile team.”                        ners will carry its successes into the future.

     Through our long-standing partnerships established through our  You recently underwent a relocation. What changes did this re-
     Headquarters and Singapore Branch channels, we are carrying our  location bring to your dynamics?
     profit-oriented and sustainable growth goals into the future. Thanks
     to our market share and leadership position, we continue our ac-  We have been working tirelessly to maintain the coverage we have
     tivities to ensure the sustainability of profitability and coverage in  provided to the industry since our establishment. We emphasize at
     the insurance sector through the necessary infrastructure and un-  every opportunity that we support our strong corporate culture with
     derwriting discipline, along with the significant reinsurance capacity  an agile approach and that we are carrying our Company, our indus-
     we allocate to the insurance sector, technical expertise, and accu-  try, and our country into the future. While continuing these efforts,
     mulated experience. We also optimize the reinsurance structures of  we closely monitor the changes and transformations in our imme-
     insurance companies or risks and provide support and collaboration  diate and distant surroundings and take important steps to improve
     in various ways to our industry. Our effective approach to claims  our working conditions. The Covid-19 pandemic, which has affected
     payments makes a significant contribution to insurance companies.   the entire world, has fundamentally changed the way we work. From
                                                              day one, we quickly adapted to this change and integrated it into
     While  doing  all  of  these,  our  greatest  strength  comes  from  our  our Company in the healthiest way possible. However, the transfor-
     deep-rooted history and experiences, bearing witness to the history  mation in the workplace continues unabated.  With our deep-rooted
     of the Republic. Experience not only provides us with a high level  history and equally youthful perspective, we are quick to implement
     of foresight in various conditions but also gives us the chance to  innovations today to adapt to the future of work.
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