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       MetLife offers new Individual Pension System (BES) customers the opportunity to
       receive an additional contribution of 1,000 TL

                                           December  31st,  2023,  as  part  of  the  contribution from the moment they
                                           campaign,  MetLife  Turkey  will  make  a  enter the system. Additionally, they can
                                           one-time  additional  contribution  of  500  invest their savings in various funds
                                           TL  if  customers  initiate  new  Individual  like  stocks,  gold,  and  foreign  exchange
                                           Pension  Agreements  with  a  minimum  with the assistance of professional fund
                                           regular  monthly  payment  of  1,000  TL  consultants.  At  MetLife,  we  always
                                           for  a  period  of  6  months.  Additionally,  prioritize supporting our customers
                                           if the same agreement includes a starting  and  making  a  contribution  to  their
                                           capital of 40,000 TL or if an additional  futures. We believe that this campaign
                                           contribution  payment  is  made  within  we have prepared for new customers
                                           the first 6 months of the agreement,  will accelerate the development of BES
                                           an  additional  500  TL  contribution  will  and  encourage  more  people  to  save  for
                                           be  added  to the  customers’  savings  by  their retirement years. Furthermore,
                                           MetLife.                             we will continue to take pioneering steps
                                                                                to increase participation in BES and
       Between September 1st and December 31st,  MetLife  Emeklilik  ve  Hayat  General  ensure its sustainability by providing
       2023, MetLife Turkey is offering special  Manager Deniz Yurtseven, stated that  additional benefits.” During the campaign
       additional contribution opportunities of up  they continue to provide significant  period, EYT (Early Retirement Scheme)
       to 1,000 TL to customers who purchase  contributions to those who want to  participants who are still in the workforce
       Individual Pension System (BES) plans,  instill savings awareness, manage their  can also benefit from the additional
       allowing them to enjoy their retirement  family finances, and invest for the  contribution campaign by purchasing new
       to the fullest. MetLife Emeklilik ve Hayat  future  through  BES:  “The  demand  for  BES plans. This campaign is accessible
       (“MetLife  Turkey”)  has  organized  a  BES  (Individual  Pension  System)  from  through  all  distribution  channels,
       new campaign to promote the Individual  individuals  looking  to  enjoy  a  pleasant   including  DenizBank,  Odeabank,  Burgan
       Pension System (BES) by offering new  retirement life is continuously increasing.  Bank, Anadolubank, and MetLife agents.
       customers  up  to  1,000  TL  in  additional  Especially, BES stands out as an  Additionally, those who wish can purchase
       benefits. Retired individuals who continue  attractive opportunity for those who want  BES  products  through  MetLife’s  digital
       to work can enjoy the benefits of double  to invest, including Early Retirement  sales platform available on
       retirement with special advantages from  Scheme (EYT) participants, under  Detailed information about the campaign
       MetLife.  Between  September  1st  and  current conditions. BES participants  terms and conditions can be found on the
                                           can benefit from a 30% government  website where applications can be made.

        New Appointment as General Manager at Bupa Acıbadem Sigorta

        Gökhan Gürcan, who has been serving as  and effectiveness in both the insurance
        the General Manager of Bupa Acıbadem  and healthcare services sectors. To
        Sigorta  since  2010,  will  hand  over  the  achieve this, we are actively pursuing
        reins to Atilla Benli as of September 1,  the  acquisition  of  new  companies,
        2023. Since 2021, Gökhan Gürcan has  establishing new ventures, and entering
        also held the position of Chairman of the  into new business segments. It’s well
        Board  of  Directors  of  Bupa  Acıbadem  known  that  implementing  all  these
        Sigorta and will continue to serve as the  strategies is not easy. In this regard, we
        CEO of Bupa Turkey alongside this role.  are  constantly  making  improvements
                                           within our organization to ensure an
        Atilla  Benli,  an  expert  in  health  effective and efficient distribution of roles
        insurance, has been appointed as the new  and responsibilities. We are working to
        General  Manager  of  Bupa  Acıbadem.  strengthen and diversify our organization
        Atilla  Benli  will  assume  his  duties  on  at all levels with different talents.
        September  1,  2023.  Before  his  new  Now, it is time for another important
        role  at  Bupa  Acıbadem  Sigorta,  Benli  organizational change. To enhance our
        held the positions of Vice Chairman and  strength in line with our capabilities, I   overseeing strategic coordination to
        General Manager at Türkiye Sigorta and  have  been  carrying  out  my  role  as  the   bring  our  shared  vision  to  life,  leading
        Türkiye Hayat Emeklilik. In both internal  General  Manager  of  Bupa  Acıbadem   the journey of corporate development in
        company communications and his social  Sigorta with great enthusiasm, belief,   areas where we have completed virtual
        media  accounts,  Gökhan  Gürcan,  CEO  and happiness for the past 13.5 years. As   structuring, designing the integration
        and Chairman of the Board of Directors  of September 1st, I am handing over this   between companies under the Bupa
        of  Bupa  Turkey,  made  the  following  role to Atilla Benli. After September 1,   Turkey  umbrella,  and  being  responsible
        statements:  “At  Bupa  Turkey,  we  are  2023, I will continue to be with you as   for  the  execution  of  Bupa  Turkey’s
        committed to expanding our presence  the ‘Chairman of the Board of Directors,’   strategy and goals.”
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