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      Türkiye Sigorta is making confident strides towards its goals

                                           their commitment to improving customer  Emeklilik  in  a  sustainable  manner.  He
                                           satisfaction and further enhancing channel  also emphasized that they will continue
                                           and field management, stating that they  their efforts in accessibility and customer
                                           will  continue  to  make  Turkey  Sigorta  experience and said: “They will continue
                                           the assurance of 85 million people. Mr.  to provide fast and effective solutions
                                           Çakmak  stated  that  they  have  reached  to their policyholders and participants
                                           14 million insured individuals with more  around  the  clock,  positioning  Türkiye
                                           than  3,800  agents  and  close  to  5,000  Sigorta as a leading example in this
                                           bank branches, emphasizing that they are  field and becoming a “customer solution
                                           working on a innovative and robust sales  partner” for all their customers.” Mr.
                                           channel management strategy for a more  Çakmak  continued his words as follows:
       Türkiye  Sigorta  and  Türkiye  Hayat  active and widespread sales network. Mr.  “As  the  leading  insurance  and  pension
       Emeklilik,  the  leading  companies  in  Çakmak  emphasized  that  sales  channels  companies  in  Turkey,  we  will  continue
       the insurance and retirement sector  will be further strengthened through cross-  to  offer  specialized  products  tailored
       celebrating their third anniversary,  selling and said: “At the core of our sales  to our customers’ needs with the right
       announced that they will focus on  strategy are versatile channel utilization  technology, distribution channel, and
       increasing  financial   profitability  and our customers. In the coming days, we  pricing.  Our understanding that considers
       sustainably through an effective channel  will intensify our steps in this direction.”  the customer as the most important link
       and field management strategy, as stated  Mr. Taha Çakmak emphasized that they  in the value chain, along with our ongoing
       by their General Manager, Mr. Taha  will enhance the financial profitability  support after the sale, will enable us to
       Çakmak. Mr. Taha Çakmak emphasized  of  Türkiye  Sigorta  and  Türkiye  Hayat  increase customer satisfaction.”

       The First Motor Insurance Specially Designed for Electric Vehicles is from Aksigorta

       Aksigorta  continues  to  enhance  its  customers will enjoy a 10% discount
       products  and  services  with  a  new  on  e-charging  services.  The  e-kasko
       generation   insurance   approach.  policy also provides coverage for one of
       Pioneering sustainable practices in the  the  biggest  concerns  of  electric  vehicle
       industry, Aksigorta has introduced a first-  users - the risk of running out of charge
       of-its-kind  insurance  product  in  Turkey  on  the  road.  Aksigorta  has  eliminated
       exclusively for electric vehicle customers.  this worry by offering on-site charging
       This new product, called “e-kasko,” offers  services within the Istanbul province
       numerous coverages that allow electric  in case the vehicle runs out of charge
       vehicle users to travel safely, including  during a journey, further enhancing the
       protection  against  incorrect  charging,  peace of mind for electric vehicle owners.
       theft  of  charging  equipment,  battery  Aksigorta’s  Deputy  General  Manager,
       coverage, on-site charging service, and a  Tolga  Tezbaşaran,  emphasized  that
       10% discount on e-charging services. By  Aksigorta  is  developing  solutions  that   and future technologies, also aligns well
       embracing a new generation insurance  align with future technologies and said:   with  Aksigorta’s  sustainability  vision.
       approach and offering sustainable  “The growing interest in electric vehicles   Moreover,  Aksigorta’s  commitment  to
       solutions,  Aksigorta  has  introduced  the  in Turkey is evident, with a 251% increase   supporting  its  e-kasko  policyholders
       first and most comprehensive motor  in electric vehicle sales in the first quarter   in reducing their carbon footprint
       insurance policy designed exclusively for  of 2023, according to the latest data. The   by planting trees through the Ege
       electric vehicles in Turkey. Aksigorta is  electric vehicle category is relatively new   Orman   Vakfı   demonstrates   their
       offering  a  new  product  that  will  make  and  rapidly  developing  in  Turkey.  The   dedication  to  sustainability  initiatives
       the rapidly growing number of electric  needs and expectations within the electric   and environmental responsibility. This
       vehicle users feel secure. With e-kasko,  vehicle category are still evolving and   initiative not only provides insurance
       electric vehicle owners have access to  not fully defined. Aksigorta has taken a   coverage but also contributes to positive
       numerous exclusive coverages, including  proactive approach by listening to both   environmental impact. We will continue
       protection  against  incorrect  charging,  the stakeholders shaping this ecosystem   to contribute to sustainability with
       unlimited towing to the nearest repair  and their customers to understand   new advantages and services with our
       service, coverage for theft of charging  their  expectations  and  requirements.   products  in  different  branches  that  will
       equipment,  battery  protection,  and  In  line  with  these  principles,  Aksigorta   help create a positive impact to support
       support in case of battery depletion.  has  created  e-kasko,  a  comprehensive   economic growth by designing programs
       These coverages are available only  insurance  package  specifically  designed   and projects for the development,
       with  e-kasko,  providing  electric  vehicle  for electric vehicles. e-kasko, which has   welfare and better life of the society in
       owners with comprehensive protection  been designed based on customer insights   which we operate with our sustainability
       and peace of mind. In addition, Aksigorta  and covers changing customer trends   perspective.”
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