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        Anadolu Sigorta and the Directorate General of Forestry Collaborate: The Eyes of

        the Forest in Its Second Year!

        The ‘Eyes of the Forest’ Project Adds 5 Fire Observation Towers
        Anadolu  Sigorta’s  ‘Eyes  of  the  Forest’  project,  implemented
        in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
        General Directorate of Forestry for the protection of forest
        assets, continues to progress rapidly. Following the completion of
        the installation of the fire tower in Adana last year, an additional
        4 fire observation towers will be put into service in 2023. With
        the activation of these towers, a total of 245,000 hectares of
        land will be monitored, providing support in the fight against
        forest fires. Anadolu Sigorta, which operates with a vision of
        creating economic, environmental, and social added value, and
        advances its leadership in the insurance sector with socially
        impactful projects, is launching 4 new fire observation towers
        as part of the “Eyes of the Forest” project in collaboration with
        the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry General Directorate of  “The ‘Eyes of the Forest’ has reached 5 towers”
        Forestry. As part of the “Eyes of the Forest” project, which
        holds  vital importance  for  early  intervention  in  wildfires,  Berna  Semiz  Ergüntan,  Corporate  Communications  and
        Anadolu  Sigorta  has  undertaken  the  renewal  of  observation  Sustainability Coordinator at Anadolu Sigorta, stated that as
        towers and the construction of new unmanned fire observation  part of the “Eyes of the Forest” project, 4 more fire observation
        towers. In December 2022, Anadolu Sigorta completed and put  towers will be completed and put into operation this year,
        into service the first tower in Adana. In 2023, four additional  bringing  the  total  to  5  towers  and  said:  “One  of  the  most
        observation towers, the second in Muğla, Antalya, Çanakkale,  significant  challenges  we  have  been  facing  in  recent  years,
        and Adana, will be inaugurated.                       especially in the context of climate change, is the increasing
                                                              number and duration of forest fires. In our current era, where
        With a rapid communication system and advanced technological  temperatures are rising and seasons are blending together, it
        equipment,  these  five  towers  will  ensure  the  uninterrupted  is disheartening to see that wildfires are no longer limited to
        monitoring of 245,000 hectares of forest land 24/7. With the  the summer season. This is not just a problem affecting people
        project, it is also aimed to continue to protect forest assets in the  but a colossal global issue that impacts the entire ecosystem.
        coming years by drawing attention to early intervention and to  We are pleased to contribute, even if it’s just a small part, to
        raise awareness of individuals.                       the resolution of this major problem through the “Eyes of the
                                                              Forest” project. One of our most important goals is to raise
        “One of the most critical global challenges of our time is  awareness about combating climate change. We will continue
        climate change”                                       to support this fight by putting new towers into operation as
                                                              part of the project.”
        Mehmet  Tuğtan,  the  CEO  of  Anadolu  Sigorta,  pointed  out
        that  climate  change  mitigation  takes  the  top  spot  on  the  Adana Tower enabled early intervention in 11 fires
        sustainability  agenda  worldwide  and  said:  “One  of  our  focal
        points is combating climate change, which is considered one of  The “Eyes of the Forest” project, implemented in collaboration
        the most critical global issues of our time and has a significant  with  the  Ministry  of  Agriculture  and  Forestry’s  Directorate
        impact on our industry. Additionally, in the effective projects  General  of  Forestry  by  Anadolu  Sigorta,  has  established
        we have implemented with a responsible company approach, we  its first tower. This tower is responsible for continuous
        prioritize sustainability. The “Eyes of the Forest” project we  surveillance of a wide area, primarily covering the Seyhan
        initiated last year is also a product of this perspective.” Tuğtan  Dam  Lake  Basin  and  Çukurova  University  Campus,  which
        added: “As a result of climate change, especially in the last two  are vital parts of Adana’s ecosystem. The second fire tower,
        years, we have experienced a significant increase in wildfires  which has been put into service in Adana, is located in Zorkun
        both in our country and globally. It is an undeniable fact that this  Plateau. Additionally, an unmanned fire observation tower in
        risk will continue to grow each passing year. In the face of this  Gökçeada is situated in Dereköy. In Muğla, where forest fires
        reality, there is a substantial duty and responsibility not only on  are a frequent concern, another tower is under construction
        government institutions but also on individuals and companies to  on  the  summit  of  Palamut  Mountain  at  an  altitude  of  950
        combat it. With this understanding, Anadolu Sigorta took a step  meters. The tower in Antalya is located within the Alaaddin
        last year by collaborating with the Ministry of Agriculture and  Keykubat  Youth  Camp,  which  falls  under  the  Ministry  of
        Forestry, General Directorate of Forestry, to protect our forest  Youth and Sports. In total, five fire towers will be activated as
        assets. The General Directorate of Forestry works tirelessly and  part of the project, providing support in combating forest fires
        with  great  dedication  in  combating  fires  across  Turkey.  And  by monitoring an area of 245,000 hectares.
        we have joined this effort as a part of the structure. Our Adana
        tower, which we put into operation last year, played an effective  The Adana Balcalı Automatic Fire Observation Tower System,
        role in preventing wildfires in the region this summer, enabling  in  2023,  played  a  significant  role  in  detecting  and  tracking
        the early detection and monitoring of 11 potentially dangerous  11 forest fires that posed a danger and contributed to the
        forest fires.”                                        coordination of the nearest response teams.
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