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 Uğur Gülen has become the new president of TSB   The increase in traffic accidents shows no signs of slowing down!
 (Turkish Insurance Association)
        Despite all the measures, penalties, and                                accidents.  Drivers  frequently  commit
        regulations implemented in Turkey, traffic                              other errors such as not stopping at red
        accidents continue to result in thousands                               lights and stop signals, entering areas with
        of material and moral losses every year.                                “no  entry”  traffic  signs,  colliding  with
        Traffic accidents, which are also crucial                               legally  parked  vehicles,  failing  to  follow
        from the perspective of the insurance                                   other traffic safety rules, driving under
        industry,  have  increased  by  14.35%  in                              the influence of alcohol, not adhering to
        the  first  half  of  2023  compared  to  the                           lane-keeping  and  lane-changing  rules,
        same period last year, according to data                                excessive  speeding, not slowing down
        released by the Directorate of Traffic                                  at pedestrian and school crossings, not
        Services of the General Directorate of                                  yielding the right of way to pedestrians,
        Security.                                                               passing in prohibited zones, and parking
                                                                                incorrectly or in restricted areas.
        According to the data released by TUIK
        (Turkish   Statistical   Institute),   the                              Car  accidents  are  at  a  significantly
        number of traffic accidents in Turkey was   there  were  152,361  accidents  resulting   high level
        1,313,000 in 2015, 1,182,000 in 2016,   in  only  material  damage.  As  a  result  of   In  the  first  half  of  2023,  out  of  the
        1,202,000 in 2017, 1,229,000 in 2018,   all these accidents, 159,235 people were   173,235  vehicles  involved  in  fatal  or
        and 1,168,000 in 2019. However, there   injured, and 1,345 people lost their lives.  injury-related traffic accidents, 86,616
        was an increase in the accident count in                                were  automobiles,  25,232  were  vans,
        2021.  According  to  the  data  from  the   Fatal and injury-related traffic accidents   30,817  were  motorcycles,  4,202  were
        Directorate of Traffic Services of the   are primarily caused by “side collisions,”   minibusses, and 3,690 were bicycles.
        General Directorate of Security, the   accounting for the highest share at 32.8%.   Looking  at  other  types  of  vehicles  that
        accident rate increased by 8.12% between   In the second place, there are accidents   contributed to accidents, there were 4,077
        the  first  halves  of  2020  and  2021.  In   involving pedestrians, constituting 17%   trucks,  3,293  buses,  6,820  motorized
        the first half of 2022, the accident rate   of  fatal  and  injury-related  accidents.   bicycles, 3,141 buses, 1,012 tractors, and
        increased by 30.79%, reaching 225,071   Following closely are accidents caused by   419 special-purpose vehicles. Among the
        accidents.  In  the  first  half  of  2023,  the   “running off the road” at 11.9%.  vehicles causing death and injuries, there
        number of accidents was recorded at                                     were  135  ambulances,  172  construction
        257,373, indicating a 14.35% increase.  Accidents   resulting   from   rear-end   vehicles, 69 tankers, 47 off-road vehicles,
        Traffic accidents result in the loss of   collisions  make  up  10.6%  of  the  total.   27 horse-drawn carts, 23 trains, and 45
        thousands of lives or injuries every year.   Other factors such as collisions with   trams.
        According to TUIK data, in 2016, 7,300   objects  or obstacles, mutual collisions,
        people lost their lives due to traffic   collisions with stationary vehicles,  side-  The highest number of fatalities was
        accidents,  followed  by  7,427  in  2017,   to-side collisions, vehicle ejections,   recorded in Istanbul
        6,675  in  2018,  and  5,473  in  2019.  In   collisions with animals, chain collisions,   In the first 6 months, the highest number of
        2016,  the  number  of  people  injured  in   multiple collisions, and objects falling   fatal and injury-related accidents occurred
        traffic  accidents  was  303,812,  which   from vehicles also play significant roles in   in  Istanbul,  Ankara,  Izmir,  Antalya,
        decreased to 300,383 in 2017, increased   the formation of fatal and injury-related   and Bursa, while the lowest occurred in
        to 307,071 in 2018, and decreased again   traffic accidents.            Tunceli, Ardahan, Bayburt, Hakkari, and
        to 283,234 in 2019.                                                     Iğdır.  Istanbul  had  the  highest  number
                                            The  majority  of  accidents  are  driv-  of fatalities in traffic accidents with 82,
        In June, there was a peak in the num-  er-related                       followed by Ankara with 74.
        ber of accidents                    In the first six months of 2023, the most
        According  to  the  accident  statistics   significant driver fault observed was the   415.1 thousand vehicles were banned
        published by the Directorate of Traffic   failure to adjust vehicle speed to road,   from traffic
        Services of the General Directorate of   weather,  and  traffic  conditions,  with   According  to  the  data  released  by  the
        Security,  there  were  257,373  traffic   41,614 drivers committing this error.   General Directorate of Security, in the
        accidents in the first six months of 2023.   Additionally,  17,385  drivers  caused   first  six  months  of  2023,  a  total  of
        This  figure,  which  was  225,071  in  the   accidents by not yielding the right of way   971,037 traffic fines were imposed on
        same period of the previous year, indicates   at intersections, crossings, and narrow   drivers, and 4,516,728 traffic fines were
        a 14.35% increase in accidents during the   road sections, while 11,480 drivers were   issued to vehicle license plates. During the
        first half of the year. The highest number   involved in accidents for not adhering to   first six months, 1,187 fines were imposed
        of accidents occurred in the month of   lane-keeping  and  lane-changing  rules.   on  pedestrians,  and  6,582  fines  were
        June. In the first six months of the year,   Other  major  mistakes  made  by  drivers   issued to passengers. The total number of
        there were 1,079 fatal accidents, and   include rear-end collisions in 10,010   traffic fines in the first six months reached
        the number of injury-related accidents   accidents, failure to follow turning rules in   5,495,534.   Additionally,   415,192
        increased  to  103,933.  Excluding  non-  8,636 accidents, and non-compliance with   vehicles received bans from traffic in the
        injury  accidents  where parties  agreed   general maneuvering conditions in 4,638   first half of the year.
        and prepared a report among themselves,
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